Online High School Courses
Online High School Courses ===>
Families do not pay tuition for a student to attend an online public school. Common household items and office supplies like printer ink and paper are not provided. Our enrollment consultants can help address your technological and computer questions and needs.
Excel High School offers full-time, online high school programs for students seeking grades 9-12. Excel High School serves students anywhere in the U.S. and the world, with a fully accredited high school experience. Do you need a full time online high school option for your child? Are you an adult needing an accredited high school diploma? Excel High School is a perfect choice.
Attending High School online offers a great deal of flexibility. The online courses at EHS can be accessed at any time and from anywhere you have an Internet connection. We have even had students access courses from a cruise ship. One misconception concerning online courses is that they are easier than traditional high school courses. Actually, the opposite is true. We find that our courses are more rigorous than traditional high school courses. Students attending high school online are often required to be more disciplined than traditional students. Students enrolled at Excel High School really learn and are well prepared for college and university. Call us for more information at (952) 465-3700 or Enroll Now.
**As a State recognized accredited high school, students pursuing a high school diploma from EHS must complete a minimum of 25% of the total credits from Excel High School to earn an accredited diploma. Regionally accredited High Schools can transfer in 75% of previous credits toward graduation. *Excel High School issues the very same accredited high school diploma that students receive from the local public high school. This includes a minimum of the following credits; 1-English, 1-math, 1 science, 1-social studies, and 2-elective credits. Click Here for credit transfer policy.
Since starting this year at Excel, she is being fully challenged in honors courses. My daughter told me the other day, "mom, I have never had to work so hard in school". We love you Excel High School and Anna will be with you until she graduates next year.
Our inclusive set of core high school courses covers subjects in math, science, English, and social studies. We also offer many elective courses in areas such as foreign languages, digital technology, journalism, and art history.
For college-bound student athletes preparing to enroll in a Division I or Division II school, Pearson Online Academy offers many NCAA-approved core high school courses. Students should work closely with a school counselor, referencing the NCAA-approved courses listed below and considering graduation requirements when planning their schedules. Students seeking NCAA eligibility must complete coursework consistently and discuss course progress with teachers at a minimum of four checkpoints throughout the course.
Student interaction is a critical part of the overall educational process for international online high schools. While most of the instruction supports anytime, anywhere learning, students also participate in a live online classroom environment through LiveLesson® technology.
UTHS online high school courses offer students scheduling flexibility and an opportunity for credit recovery or advancement. Courses are aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, designed by curriculum experts, and facilitated by experienced, highly qualified Texas-certified teachers. Subjects include a variety of high school level math, science, English Language Arts, social studies, physical education, art, Spanish, and elective courses.
The Independent Learning Program offers students flexibility to complete courses on their schedule and is designed for students who are enrolled in other school districts or homeschooling (not seeking a UTHS Diploma). From the date of enrollment, students in the Independent Learning Program have 150 days to complete a semester course. Students who want to accelerate may work through the course more quickly by spending more hours per week in the course. Students who need additional time, may pay an extension fee and download and submit a 30-day Course Extension Form by email to, by fax to 512-471-7853, or request an extension online.
Students enrolled in the UTHS Diploma Program must complete their online courses by the deadlines established for each of the fall, spring, and summer semester calendar timelines. Course pacing guides with target dates for assignment submission provide students with guidance to ensure completion of their courses each semester to stay on track with their personal graduation plan and on pace for on time or early graduation. Students may accelerate to complete their courses before the end of each semester, but extensions beyond each semester end date are not allowed.
Students in the Independent Learning Program should consult with their school counselor for guidance when enrolling in UTHS courses to ensure the courses selected meet their specific high school graduation plan. We advise most students to enroll in courses sequentially (e.g., Algebra IA then Algebra IB), especially when concepts learned during the first semester course are necessary to successfully complete the second semester course.
All semester courses require students to take an online proctored final exam. Students can request the final exam once all assignments have been submitted and 70% of the assignments have been graded. Students who fail the final exam can request a maximum of one re-examination.
The average of assignment grades in a semester course count for 75% of the course grade; the final exam counts for 25%. The student must score a 70% or better on the exam in order to pass the course. Student final course grades can be viewed from the Student Portal or Counselor Portal. Official transcripts are provided by the student's high school.
Northgate Academy offers online high school courses on a rolling enrollment basis. This means that students can enroll now and get started in their online courses the very next day. Call us anytime to discuss course offerings with a friendly enrollment counselor at 1-800-339-7132. Online courses are available anytime, 7-days a week, 24-hours a day, and from any location in the world.
Stanford OHS has established a truly amazing community of learners, educators and supporters. The school provides a unique hybrid space with online flipped classrooms enriched by in-person opportunities through regional meetups and residential programs.
Indiana Online offers a variety of online courses in partnership with over 300 schools statewide. We are one of the largest supplemental school course providers in the state of Indiana, offering full-time, year-round, and summer courses. We offer flexible and personalized learning options to help students achieve educational success.
Indiana Online offers a variety of full-time, year-round, and summer courses online for students. Join our 30-minute live Counselor Chats that are designed to help foster collaboration and learn about how our Student Service team can offer support. Check out more resources on our counselor page.
We provide both face-to-face training sessions for our year-round and summer teachers, along with a variety of online courses. Use Indiana Online to enhance your skills and achieve your professional development goals.
Indiana Online, a department of CIESC, is an accredited online education platform that provides innovative courses while promoting the advancement of learning throughout the state of Indiana. The high-tech environment provides frequent, personalized contact between a highly qualified, licensed teacher and each student. Our courses offer academic challenges for each student using a variety of teaching strategies to motivate each student to successfully master standards.
This is a full-year course that will provide your student with 0.5 high school credit. This is high school content for Spanish I stretched over 2 years (Part A and Part B). Only permitted for 7th- and 8th-grade students.
This is a full-year course that will provide your student with 0.5 high school credit. This is high school content for Spanish I stretched over 2 years (Part A and Part B). Only permitted for 8th-grade students.
Student success is rewarded with merit-based scholarships that can go toward the college or trade school of your choice, certifications and the military, so you can prepare for life after high school as you earn an accredited diploma.
With the same rigorous packed curriculum given in schools, The American Academy offers the opportunity for students to earn and make up high school credits online but at your pace! You can choose from a variety of online classes for high school credits, including courses in English, Math, and Science or explore areas of interest with our Career and Technical Education courses. View the complete course catalog to learn more.
Our program is flexible and completed 100% online. Being a student at The American Academy will never interfere with your job, family obligations, or hobbies, because you integrate learning time comfortably into your routine. Online high school classes start every business day so no need to wait. Plus, you have flexibility to meet your needs: With us, you can take just one class or complete a full diploma program.
Anyone who has researched online educational opportunities knows that accreditation is extremely important. The American Academy is a Cognia-accredited school, which means it has gone through thorough reviews and can provide a level of education equal to that of a traditional high school. Schools and employers will recognize the diploma you earn with The American Academy. Our accreditation status can be viewed here.
The American Academy is the private school division of Graduation Alliance, which partners with various school districts across the nation. Courses offered directly to students through our school district partners are indeed NCAA-approved; however, the courses we offer directly to students through The American Academy website are not currently NCAA-eligible. 781b155fdc