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Wysteria is an earth pony with a violet body and a amethyst purple, white, and hot pink mane and tail. Her cutie mark is wisteria flowers. Wysteria is Ponyville's gardener and organizer of the Spring Promenade. She is shown to be a good gardener who loves flowers. She is shy, but she finds a way to fill every activity with laughter and fun. After awakening Spike from his 1000-year sleep by touching the flower, she became Princess Wysteria, The Princess of Ponyville. But despite being a princess, she feels very sad being bound by the rules while watching her friends do all the hard work for the parade. After she convinced Spike to help her for the Spring Promenade and made it a success, she then appointed all her friends as Princesses.
Jericho with some arm drag takedowns leading to an armbar. Jericho suplexed Orton ribs first across the top rope followed by a hard kick to the ribs. Orton came back with a kick to the gut, but Jericho came back with a spinning heel kick. Orton went to the floor to avoid a move, so Jericho went up top and jumped off the top with a cross body block onto Jericho on the floor. Back in the ring, Jericho avoided the draping DDT and Orton blocked a Walls of Jericho attempt leading to Orton hitting a regular DDT. Orton grabbed a chinlock on the mat. Jericho got back with a forearm, but then Orton hit a perfect-looking dropkick for two. Orton with another chinlock, back up, Jericho was whipped into the turnbuckle and then they ran into eachother in a collision spot. Jericho with running shoulder tackles followed by a clothesline for two. Jericho with a dropkick off the middle rope for two. Orton came back with a powerslam for two. Orton wanted an RKO, but Jericho countered into a backslide pin for two. Orton sent Jericho shoulder first into the turnbuckle/ringpost area. Orton hit a superplex while standing on the middle ropes for a two count. For most of his career, Orton did it off the top rope like his father did. Jericho held on to avoid a dropkick, Jericho went for the Walls, but Orton came back with a rollup for two. Jericho with an enziguri kick to the head. Jericho with the running bulldog followed by the Lionsault, but Orton got the knees up to block it. Orton with an inverted backbreaker. Orton went for the RKO, Jericho shoved him off and Jericho hit the Lionsault for a two count. The crowd popped HUGE for that nearfall. 1e1e36bf2d